Leena Naumanen
Leena Naumanen has long been dealing with the distinctive traces that the weather has left on the roof shingles of her Finnish homeland over the years and has made these shingles the basic material for her wooden objects, paintings and drawings. In this way, she tells stories of life - of its roots, its possibilities, its evanescence and thus contrasts the rhythm of nature with that of the present.
In the elaborate technique of processing she has developed, her basic creative act, which takes place in a mostly spontaneous culmination, contrasts with the handicraft realisation, which requires a lot of time and time for contemplation.
In her new works, pieces of shingle are set with glue on various substrates; she weaves them close together, with coloured accents in oil paint or left completely natural, so as to make the resulting light and shadow effect such an actor in the play of the viewer's perception and association. Her finely stroked pen and ink drawings in watercolour, on the other hand, are characterised by a strong rhythmic action that only reveals itself in its complexity on closer inspection - and then captivates.
In the elaborate technique of processing she has developed, her basic creative act, which takes place in a mostly spontaneous culmination, contrasts with the handicraft realisation, which requires a lot of time and time for contemplation.
In her new works, pieces of shingle are set with glue on various substrates; she weaves them close together, with coloured accents in oil paint or left completely natural, so as to make the resulting light and shadow effect such an actor in the play of the viewer's perception and association. Her finely stroked pen and ink drawings in watercolour, on the other hand, are characterised by a strong rhythmic action that only reveals itself in its complexity on closer inspection - and then captivates.
1951 | in Jyväskyla, Finnland geboren |
1971 - 76 | Studium an der Universität für Angewandte Kunst in Wien |
lebt und arbeitet als freischaffende Künstlerin in Wien |
Einzelausstellungen Auswahl ab 2002
2002 | Kaiserliches Hofmobiliendepot-Museum, Wien | Galerie Altes Wasserkraftwerk, Vaajakoski, Finnland |
2003 | Galerie Gut Gasteil, Prigglitz, NÖ |
2005 | Romanischer Keller - Hypo Galerie, Salzburg | Galerie Zauner, Linz |
2007 | Galerie Artmark, Wien |
2009 | Galerie A 41, Wien | Artis Causa Gallery, Thessaloniki, Griechenland |
2010 | Galerie X, Bratislava, Slowakai | Galerie Gut Gasteil, Prigglitz, NÖ | Galerie Artmark, Spital am Phyrn, OÖ |
2011 | Kunstraum Beyond, Zistersdorf, NÖ |
2013 | Internationales Gastkünstleratelier Maltator, Gmünden/Kärnten |
2014 | Kunstwerkstatt Tulln, Tulln, NÖ |
Gruppenausstellungen - Auswahl ab 2005
2005 | "SillvrettAtelier", Palais Lichtenstein, Vorarlberg |
2005 | "SilvrettAtelier", Kunsthalle Kemi, Finnland |
2007 | "Nordung", Kunstverein Horn, Horn, NÖ |
2008 | "Quer durch Eruopa", Felsbildermuseum, Spital am Phyrn, OÖ |
2009 | "25 Jahre Internationale Textilkunst Graz", Reifeisenhof, Graz |
2010 | "3th Anniversary Exhibition" Artiscausa Gallery, Thessaloniki, Griechenland |
2011 | "Growth" artP, Perchtoldsdorf, NÖ | "Kunst Messe Linz", Artmark Galerie, Linz | "Quer", Artmark Galerie, Wien |
2012 | "Zeichnung 2012", Artmark Galerie, Wien | "Open House" Galerie Gut Gasteil, Prigglitz, NÖ |
2013 | "Zeichnung 2013" Artmark Galerie, Wien | "Open House", Galerie Gut Gasteil, Prigglitz, NÖ | "Zeichnen, Zeichnen", Künstlerhaus, Wien | "Kaleidoskop", Artmark Galerie, Wien |
2014 | "Obove & Bayond", Galerie im Turm, Baden, NÖ | "Internationale Textilkunst Graz", Steiermarkhof, Graz | "Inspiration Textil", Künstlerhaus, Wien |
Öffentliche Ankäufe
Österreichisches Bundesministerium für Unterricht und Kunst |
Stadt Wien |
Gemeinde Jyväskylä, Finnland |
Österreichische Bundesforste |