Maria Temnitschka: "SCHROTT"

      enlarge picture by click on > Temnitschka: Schrott-42, 2022, Oil-canvas, 50 x 120 cm < enlarge by click on

Opening: 28. April 2022, 17:00 - Introduction: Ulrike Jakob partnered by artist
Duration of exhibition: 29. April  till 11. June 2022

Schrott = Metal Scrap - a new series of paintings, which, through the complexity of the theme of landscape and the lost | used | discarded | old | sunken | read | worn | decayed, is brought to new life through Maria Temnitschka's painting. But be aware !   Metal scrap means valuable material that is thrown away.
It is completely recyclable through pressing and melting.   A cycle of becoming and passing away !
That is why it was important for her (as a researcher and painter), armed with a camera and cycling, to find scrap metal collection points. It was important to her that the machines at the scrap yard (crushers and presses) were shut down for the time of the photo shoot so that she could take the photos of the scrap heaps and scrap metals, which in turn were valuable as models in the studio.
In the Studio & at exhibition "SCHROTT" /

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"SCHROTT" - about the works

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Maria Temnitschka*:
In my new series of works, which I call "SCHROTT", the pictorial experiences from my oeuvre, starting from the series ROST, which merges into the work series transition and again transforms itself via a LOG in (LOG:BUCH) ... into the landscape into something new --- into scrap !
It is a new series of paintings that is brought to new life through the complexity of the theme of landscape and the lost | used | discarded | old | sunken | read | worn | decayed through Maria Temnitschka's painting.
Particular attention was paid to electronic scrap, such as circuit boards, circuit boards, small motors and household electronics, as the latest forms of decay. And although He & She, the human beings, are excluded from all images, He & She become directly perceptible in these works, albeit in His & Her consumer mode.
Thus, in the end, the painted artefacts produce a colourful countenance in a very abstract form, above all through their traces of use.
* . . . clicking on link above You will get You to atrist's CV and profile.
Exhibition (flip) catalogue "SCHROTT" /

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Inside catalogue a selection of atrist's works exhibited is shown on 320 pages; prices free at gallery included.
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