Willi SIBER (D) | B.A.R.O.C.K. - magic and illusion
Exhibition duration: 12.9. - 13.10. 2019
B.A.R.O.C.K. Magic andiIllusion -
Willi Siber created a series of works whose blackboard and wall objects were created in deep wood reliefs. The subsequent interference coating creates "a misleading game for the eye," says Siber. For the baroque city of Vienna, I will combine this exhibition with a homage, but the works shown are of great sensuality (...) Experience has shown that recipients are fascinated by the magic of constantly changing color nuances as well as the deceptive illusion of spatiality and light "(Excerpt / words by A. Seebacher).

Duration of exhibition : 12.9. - 13.10. 2019
Works on display - I
Works on display - II
and a little surprise by - Bodo Hell ...
Austrian literate Bodo Hell and Götz Bury have been giving Willi the benfit of a specially created BAROCK-poem on behalf of his upcoming 70th anniversary, creating an intense athmospheric picture by Saxophon solo as background.