Walter Kölbl - “Legale Winkel“ ("legal angles")
Duration of exhibition: 27. June - 30. October 2020 - at NN-Fabrik in Oslip (Bgld.).
Curation and project organization by Ulrike Jakob, realization of the exhibition in cooperation with the NN-Fabrik. The works of Walter Kölbl are presented with the title: "Legale Winkel / Legal Angles" in the exhibition hall and its associated sculpture park of the NN-Fabrik, Oslip (Bgld.).
Walter Kölbl, sculptor and architect from Vorarlberg, has devoted himself entirely to mathematical-geometric art. The sculptures, objects and architectural space solutions are characterized by clear forms and colors.
Walter Kölbl, sculptor and architect from Vorarlberg, has devoted himself entirely to mathematical-geometric art. The sculptures, objects and architectural space solutions are characterized by clear forms and colors.
Roland Göschl, well known sculpturist, wrote in January 2014 to Walter Kölbl the still valid sentence:
"Walter Kölbl belongs to those sculptors who first conceive an image and only then begin to hew, which - I believe - makes the good sculptor."