. . . current exhibition:

". . . Schwester - Holz . . ."
". . . Sister - Wood . . ."

Regina Hadraba |  Larissa Leverenz |  Leena Naumanen
split view - front side
Opening - >>>21./22. Februar 2025

Location, our Showroom at:
Grundsteingasse 40, 16. Wien !
: until 16. May 2025
Working hours each:
  Friday 15:00 - 19:00    and         Saturday 12:00 - 17:00   
The upcoming exhibition in the project space of Galerie Hrobsky entitled “Sister.wood” shows works by the artists: 
L.Naumanen, R.Hadraba, L.Leverenz.
Their works are linked by the contemplative seclusion in their studios, like hermits in their cloisters. The title thus refers to hermits in Switzerland who called themselves “forest brothers” and gave their name to a plateau in Basel with the field name “Bruderholz”.
This close relationship to art as a unifying basic idea is contrasted by the obviously divergent, individual forms of expression in her works, with a sisterly approach to the material WOOD.

. . . events parallelling / coming soon . . .

Under the accordion bar below you will find brief information about our (upcoming / parallel) exhibitions and events.
Click on the orange bars to open the information boxes.

      ... Kunst.er.fassen - Bild.er.lesen ...

Observing the increasing interest of the younger generations in contemporary art, with the new FORMAT [Bild.er.lesen] | [paint>ing<read] we want to provide answers to common and frequently asked questions, such as:
WHAT does the artist want to say, WHAT was the motivation?
WHY is this particular technique or material used?
We therefore invite you to a journey through the world of ideas, forms and imagery of the artists in our gallery with the upcoming evenings of [Bild.er.lesen].
By clicking on the orange bars, you can find out more about
the events, activities or projects listed.
[Bild.er.lesen] - Introduction and objective /

project description ; read more ...

The [Bild.er.lesen]|[paint>ing<read] project is intended to offer the opportunity to broaden our perception of painting.
Because in today's diverse art scene, we find painters who work in different styles, with multiple techniques and concepts. Every stroke, every color, every blank space, every material has a different meaning that is waiting to be deciphered by attentive viewers. Only by "reading" their pictures do we learn something not only about the art itself, but also about the world in which they and we live.
The [Bild.er.lesen] concept aims to open the door to an intimate and fascinating journey to reflect on the artists' thoughts and immerse ourselves in their world. Into a world where art becomes a book, full of stories told in colors, shapes and symbols. Artists use their canvases as pages on which they translate thoughts, emotions and perspectives into visual narratives. Each painting style is a chapter, with the works as pages waiting to be deciphered. These works invite us not only to look at them superficially, but to go deeper and thereby understand the often diverse stories that lie hidden between the creative acts.
In a world where visual communication is becoming increasingly dominant, "reading pictures" can become a key skill. It sharpens our ability to see beyond the obvious and recognize the subtle nuances and messages hidden in the works of contemporary artists. It is an invitation to break through the surface and explore the depths of art to understand the stories they tell.
But by reading paintings, we also want to tell stories that interpret these multi-layered narratives, to initiate a dialog between the creator and the viewer, where the interpretation complements the artist's intention. To see painting not just as decoration  but as a living expression of thoughts, emotions and ideas.
With the resulting film presentations as creative acts, we try to overcome the boundaries of verbal communication and enter into a higher, personal level with the painters.
[Bild.er.lesen] Dialogue recording: Marco Spitzar /

by Rupert Eder (Maler & Kurator); read more ...

Marco Spitzar  was in conversation with Rupert Eder in the gallery on 13 February 2023, discussing the background as well as their motivation and experiences during the often long creative processes and dealing with the perennial question of whether and how art can be interpreted or made tangible ?

They also talk about overcoming conventional approaches, the external influences but also personal, actually inner thought processes and the associated inspirations and ultimately about the path that M. Spitzar ultimately took with his "Klebungen" /"glueing".

They also philosophise about the duality of time and form, their contraposition and effect in a 3-dimensional context.

Duration of Video ca 16 min.
[Bild.er.lesen] Dialogue recording: Martina Tscherni /

by Vanessa Bersis (Kunstforum STRABAG); weiterlesen ...

Martina Tscherni  has been talking to Vanessa Bersis (Strabag Kunstforum) about her motivation and hence impressions during the long swim experiences and explore the question:  What does swimming have to do with art ?
Martina Tscherni recently swam across the Strait of Gibraltar and will give some initial insights into her artistic treatment of the event at Galerie Hrobsky.
We also talked about her projects, the approach, the choice of motif, the external but also personal influences and inner inspirations and finally about further plans and projects.
[Bild.er.lesen] Trailer zu Präsentation - 10.1.2024 /

mit Maria Temnitschka; weiterlesen ...

In this introduction to Maria Temnitschka, we talk to the artist about her series of works, her approach, her choice of motif, the external but also personal influences and inner inspirations, the decisions derived from them, her messages to the viewer, and finally about further plans and projects.

. . . Events - only just over . . .

. . . brief informations and reflections concerning just gone events, exhibitions
or trade fair participations, either directly here or via links to associated organisers.
FAIR for ART Vienna: 4. - 12. Oktober 2024 /

P.Dörflinger, H.Golser, R.Hadraba, L.Leverenz, B.Paschke, M. Prigge,
U.Plieschnig, W.Siber, M.Temnitschka, T.Zahn
; open up bar ...

Wir zeigten:
Malerei von  Maria Temnitschka | Ulrich Plieschnig | Peter Bischof | Larissa Leverenz              
Skulpturen von Herbert Golser  | Peter Dörflinger
Bildobjekte von Willi Siber
Zeichnungen von Regina Hadraba | Bettina Paschke | Maria Prigge

   more details goto [MESSEN]

   Link to fair online >>>

ART Vienna | 20. - 22. Sept. 2024 /

Click & browse flip catalogue ...

Visit us at boot No. 15, we present works by:
Peter Dörflinger | Regina Hadraba | Bettina Paschke | Ulrich Plieschnig
                          Willi Siber | Martina Tscherni | Maria Temnitschka

Clicking onto Link addresse here, forwards to official fair portal

Exhibition catalog for the fair


Tone Fink: "SOLO TONE" bis 21. Sept. 2023
+ Awarding of the prize "Silbernen Ehrenzeichen" /

Solo exhibition at Palais Thurn &Taxis, Bregenz; read more ...

Exhibition 16. Juli bis 21. September 2024
jeweils  Die. bis So. 11.00 bis 18.00 Uhr Palais Thurn & Taxis *
Tone Fink wurde nicht nur seitens des Landes Vorarlberg das
Silberne Ehrenzeichen des Landes verliehen, sondern auch die
Sommerausstellung der Landeshauptstadt Bregenz 2024
im Palais Thurn & Taxis unter dem Titel "SOLO TONE" ** gewidmet.
Es wird eine umfangreiche Sammlung seiner Werke, darunter auch
neue Arbeiten und auch speziell für dieses Jubiläum konzipierte Objekte
Teil der Ausstellung sind zudem 80 Tiermasken, die am 27. Juli im
Rahmen der Papierhautprozession durch die Bregenzer Innenstadt
von 80 Menschen getragen werden.
Präsentation : (c)  Palais Thurn & Taxis,
* Gallusstrasse 10a, 6900 Bregenz 
*** - Präsentation (c) ORF Vorarlberg
Parallel dazu:
Ergänzend findet eine Sonderausstellung im "Angelika Kaufmann Saal"
in Schwarzenberg (Bregenzerwald), seinem Geburtsort, statt.
Dauer bis 11. Aug. 2024
ART on Paper - Amsterdam | 9. - 12. May 2024 /

Click & browse flip catalogue ; and read more ...

      Visit us at  booth No. 27, enjoy the contemplation of the exhibited works created by:
Alexandra Deutsch | Peter Dörflinger | Rupert Eder | Bettina Paschke
                          Ulrich Plieschnig | Maria Temnitschka | Tilmann Zahn
Paper is the exclusive raw material, substance or simply the base for the works of the artists that we and other galleries show. But additionally, all the works have one thing in common:
the creative process is strictly linear, corrections / regressions are therefore excluded

Click on this link to go to the official trade fair portal

Flip catalogue of works exhibited


Larissa LEVERENZ: 5.-10.09.2023 /

"PARALLEL Vienna - 2023"; click on & read more ...

Larissa Leverenz " takes the viewer into a world of surreal, alien beauty. The technique used is particularly fascinating: the artist paints and draws, she prints and collages on thin wooden plates, which with their natural grain and structure make up the background of the picture. Sometimes she carves into the panels or expands them into installation works in space - an unusual visual language for us, never seen before in this form, and a clever interweaving of very different artistic techniques."
{G. Oberhollenzer}
Location: Baumgartner Höhe 1, 1160 Wien
Time: 5. - 10. September 2023
Presented works (selection) - per Klick -> enlarged:
Work at left: der Spiegel, 2023, Acryl, Tusche, Siebdruck auf Holz_105 x 170 cm
Work at right: Sokrates' Gefäß, 2023, Acryl, Tusche, Siebdruck auf Holz_55 x 45 cm
Martina TSCHERNI - "über Wasser" /

10. July - 17. Sept. 2023 >> click on & read more ...

Southern view, drawing rolls "kryokonite", 2014-15
The exhibition will take place in the former Jesuit Church  (6060 Hall in Tirol).
Duration of the exhibition:
1. July - 17. September 2023
Opening: 10.Juli 2023
The architecture of the baroque Jesuit Church in Hall is somehow ideal for the presentation of Martina Tscherni's works. The nature of the sacred space allows the entire spectrum of her work - drawings, textiles and video installations - to be presented.
Confessional booths, "textilia", 2022-23
The overarching theme is water - from which our life comes - it reflects our entire social condition and points to the fragility of life and survival.
Everything is in motion, everything flows, everything is in constant change.

The side chapel is conceived as a contemplative space, the video "....vom Schwimmen im Fluss" shown there shows the artist's deep relationship to this element.
MARTINA TSCHERNI, a native of Hall, has lived and worked mainly there since her studies at the University of Applied Arts in Vienna.




1. Juliy - 14. September 2023 >>> click on & read more ...

Corten steel, 130 x 275 x 110 cm
Presentation takes place at Toscanapark
(4810 Gmunden)
Duration of exhibition: 
1. July  - 14. September 2023
The sculpture park will be freely accessible throughout the entire period and invite visitors to stay on the island. A large selection of contemporary sculptures by internationally active artists will be on display throughout the entire area.
The sculpture park is connected with   the Salzkammergut Festival Weeks, coinciding with the "Gmunden Photo", various concerts in the park area, a.o.m.
The following video shows the installation of the large sculpture "REFLEKTOR".
on the occasion of the Werkschau 2022 in the Villa Rot (BRD).


Walter WEER - Art Book /

"IN TEMPUS PRAESENS" - Book excerpts; >> click on & read more ...

Quick look into / overview of "IN TEMPUS PRAESENS"

On September 22, 2022 we were pleased to present his new
illustrated book  

„In Tempus Praesens“

at the gallery premises.
Looking at pictures and sculptures, telling stories, listening to
music, all this is the content of Walter Weer's latest volume
of works.

Book: 2022, Hardcover, 304 pages, ca. 21 x 30 cm

Click on cover shows excerpts
from the art book    >>>

Martina Tscherni - "river .../ clean danube" (Video) /

about arts & nature; >>> click on & read more ...

Artist's talk with S. Aigner: 18.10.2022

What had happened ?
On a Saturday in May Martina Tscherni completed the "long run" from Vienna to Bratislava, an artistic swimming event !
This resulted in  " . . about swimming in the river "  -  | thoughts | experiences | impressions in video-technical processing, which could be shown in "near real time" in the gallery.
As a logical continuation, an exhibition was organised in the Austrian Cultural Forum, Bratislava [Rakúske kultúrne fórum Bratislava] from 13 to 28 October 2022. At the same time, an artist talk was held by Frau Mag. Sylvie Aigner (PARNASS) - which has been moderated at an event   "On The Road Again" Initiative at the Künstlerhaus Wien am 18.10. 2022 .

For the video presentation of real recorded swimming actions:
Beginning with the tiny creatures that are inaccessible to the unaided eye and become visible through the drawing, the material-related basis for a video installation was created, which owes its content to a temporary life in the river.
[ > enjoy the  Video-presentation (Duration 10:40 min) < ]
A. Göhringer + G. Roesz (Video) /

on the razor's edge: a discourse" >>> click on & read more ...

Exhibition 26. March - 29. May 2022 together with Germain Roesz

they discuss together their exhibition "sur le fil du rasoir" [ "on the razor's edge" ] at Nicole Buck's gallery on the basis of the exhibited works . . .
They juxtapose their technique as well as their creative ideas, comparing and contrasting them, and thus offer a deep insight into their creative world.
Video presentation: (c) Galerie Nicole Buck*,
21 Rue Principale - 67117 Hurtigheim (Fr)
Martina Tscherni - "on the road again" (Video) /

>>> click on & read more ...

Presentation 6. May 2022 - 12:00 - 18:00

 ". . . about swimming in the river " - | Thoughts | Experiences | Impressions | 
Starting with the tiny creatures that are inaccessible to the naked eye and visible through the drawing, the material basis is created for a video installation that owes its content to a temporary life in the river.
Video presentation of actively taken shots during swimming starting 12:00 
An Artist talk, moderated by Mag. Maria Holter will take place at 17:00
[ > watch presentation video - as a preliminary work < ]

general notes to WEBSITE-contents

When opening the accordion bars below you can learn more about the subpages or their contents.
to the work & exhibition catalogs /

read more ...

Redirection to | PUBLICATIONS |

Numerous catalogs are available as "electronic page flip" on the "PUBLICATIONS" subpage.

Catalogs and artist monographs, which are available for purchase, are unlocked for reading in partial view.

You will currently find printed works on the following artists (status is constantly being expanded):
| Bruckmüller Michalea | Fink Tone | Göhringer Armin |
| Korab Nikolaus | Paschke Bettina | Reveron Pojan |
| Siber Willi | Steng Robert | Stimm Oswald |
| Temnitschka Maria |

Above noted catalogs are also available in the gallery.

to the past fairs & exhibitions /

read more ...


. . . on the subpage "FAIRS" you can see in chronological order short information about the presented artists, images of the works and the stand constructions.

. . . on the subpage "EXHIBITIONS" you can find, sorted by years, in chronological order short information about the presented artists, images of the works and the setups in the gallery.

"On Top" is a search input field, which allows to quickly find artist participation in exhibitions. The time range goes back to the year 2004. You will find images of works by all artists actively represented by the gallery, as well as guest artists such as: